Especially when they are going to no longer exist.
Or just passed away- as the last of their kind.
You had no idea that your favorite animal, the cutest creature was even there!
Please see a pretty good list our recently departed here:
Take one of my favorite animals for instance:
The Rabbit Eared Bandicoot. (or the Bilby)
It is almost extinct... not yet- but on the verge...
It's cousins are already gone:
RIP Desert Bandicoot
RIP Pig-footed Bandicoot
a few more that are gone from this world:
Tasmanian Tiger (a large carnivorous marsupial)
Queen of Sheeba Oryx
Passenger Pigeon
Baiji White Dolphin
Then again, It was believed that these two were extinct and these
cute little ones popped back up again!
Yay! for the squirrel/rat creature- The Laotian Rock Rat!
*Though probably could use some help getting re-populated?*
and of course the prehistoric fish- that never really left us!
The Coelacanth!
Lets hope there is a few Pig Footed Bandicoots hiding somewhere deep in the forest, or some Baiji White Dolphin lurking far up in some remote river bank-
FAR away from humans.